Irish Shiba mobile app

Irish Shiba will have its own dedicated iOS and Android app. The puprose of the app will be quite simple at first, and as we learn what our users want we will add accordingly.

Version 1

  • Users can add an exisiting wallet to the app.

  • Once they add their exisiting wallet, the app will automatically show their balance of ISC.

  • When the daily drop is done, if the user has the mobile app installed they will receive a push notification letting them know they were the day's big winner.

  • Users can earn 'karma' by sending ISC randomly to other ISC holders. With this function, a user can click 'Earn karma' and then can choose how many tokens they want to send to a random wallet. Once they choose how many they click 'Send' and our system randomly picks another wallet that has ISC in it and send these tokens to their wallet. If this wallet is connected to our app they will receive a push notification letting them know someone gave them free ISC. When a user does this, they earn karma in the form of an increased chance of winning the daily giveaway. For example, if my chance of winning the daily givewaway based on my ISC holdings is 0.01% and I give away 100 ISC to earn karma, this would bring my chance of winning from 0.01% to 0.02%. If I gave away 1000 ISC to earn karma this would increase my chance from 0.01% to 0.1%.

Version 2

  • Users will be able to 'stake' their ISC to earn interest on it. For example, if a user puts their ISC in the staking area, that ISC is not included in their probability calculations to win the daily giveaway and cannot be used on our platform. Instead, they will earn 25% interest each day it's in there. So if a use stakes 1,000 ISC for 1 month they would now have 1,250 after one month. They could then unstake it and use it as usualy.

  • A news section will be added to the app, so users can see what wallet address and how much that address wins each day for our daily giveaway. They can also see any updates from our team on what we're working on.

Last updated